Quail Hunting on CE Miller Ranch
Both the Scaled Quail and the Gambel’s Quail have had an excellent year for raising offspring making great West Texas quail hunting this year. At Headquarters, we would often see one or two adults with 20-40 little ones following them to the areas where Jill scattered feed every other day in the months before the rains came and the insects were plentiful. The quail hunting has been excellent this year with many coveys spread over the CE Miller Ranch.

If you are interested in hunting with dogs, West Texas Quail Outfitters has two well-trained Weimaraners to point and retrieve the quail. If you are looking for an enjoyable and successful quail hunt, contact Bill at 432-238-7574 or Ryan O’Shaughnessy of West Texas Quail Outfitters at 321-279-6506